People who have found their
highest, most authentic
expression of their personality.
What this world needs are people
who have come alive in their
God-given potential.
I want to know more!

Latest posts from Christine

  • It’s been quite a year navigating this adventure of doing life on two continents with work, school and kids.One t

  • It’s been a year…wow. Coming to the end of this year feels like finishing a big marathon.Vancouver and Muni

  • It’s been more than 90 days since we started this crazy thing of living on 2 continents. They say it takes 90 days to c

  • Sometimes when everything in life seems to be comfortable and just in the right placeGod is asking us to leave.Last yea

  • Lately we have been so restlessplanning the next season for our family so ,rest‘ hasbecome even more meaningful t

  • We all need role models of leadership: people who instill values, courage and good habits in us while at the same time

  • Passion is key for purpose. Water always finds a wav to permeate rock. First as a little leak, then eventually as a str

  • We are not of this world. We are not made for this world. But we are called to make a difference in the world. Does not

  • If yesterday was not your day today is another chance to go at it! Remember how you show up for yourself, your loved on

  • No matter who you are or what you do- we all need self leadership to live a life not led by emotions and moods but by g

  • Guys, I am tired. Anybody else ready for a vacation? The last few months have been superbusy and felt like we started e

  • Throwback to last year this time when hubby and I went on a whirlwind trip to Cyprus for a couple of days for the first

  • We all wear different hats: I am a daughter, a wife, a mother, a business owner, an entrepreneur, a friend….But m

  • This past weekend I had the great honour and pleasure to speak about one of my fav topics: Setting and Achieving Goals

  • Need a good new read on Next Generation Leadership? Honored to be part of this international book collaboration project

What you are and how you are was predetermined by why you are.

– Dr. Myles Munroe (Minister, Author, Speaker, Leadership Consultant)