This is the first time in our history that we are forced to stand still and just observe. At no other time have we ever experienced what it would be like it the world simply stopped. Well friends, here it is, we are right in it.
Lately I have come to think that what we are experiencing right now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get a second shot at how we see ourselves and the world we create. It makes me wonder if the very things that we feel deprived of at the moment – the ‘old life’ we seem to be missing – was not that healthy after all.
Packed schedules, stress due to 18 h agendas, little to no time with family and kids, the accumulation of possession that we don’t really need, 24 h access to everything we could possibly need whenever we want it and the goal to cover as much of the world with our own footprints – was that really the freedom that we are now missing so much? Humankind reached a pinnacle of development where things have gotten out of control and we lost view of what is really important in the big picture. Maybe what we are going through right now means that we are becoming more human again…and healthy from the inside out.
Birds are singing again, skies have cleared of smog in cities where the skyline has not been visible for decades, kids are spending time with their family, spouses are beginning to ‘see’ each other again, people are thinking about who they can connect with, helping a neighbor who they normally don’t even notice and extending a hand to someone in need because – hey – they might need it one day, too. WOW. We are starting to appreciate what we have simply because we are forced to stop without further options. Sad in way that this is what it took for us to realize, but what an opportunity to reset.
Can we look at this time as a gift to be unwrapped? I am not saying the deaths, the virus and the financial crisis…but this opportunity to look at the world and our lives from the very core of humanity. Time is our gift, that’s why it’s called the present. Right now our gift lies in TODAY and seizing this moment to live life to the fullest in the way it was originally designed for us to life. Enjoying nature in its perfection – the singing birds, blue skies, beautiful lush spring greens- laughing with your kids and enjoying your family, listening to a friend, relishing in a homemade meal and experiencing the joy that comes from helping a person in need by groceries you bring, a letter you write, a call you usually never make. The possibilities of creating meaning right now are endless. How about we just give this a shot and see the gift this time holds?
In case noone has told you today: I believe in you.
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